Loop Video
"Balloons" belongs to "Infinity", a series by Jacopo Di Cera presented on The Foundry in March 2023.
"Time does not exist, there is only the relationship between variables. Jacopo Di Cera began to investigate the depths of time, looking for a form that could express its contemporary meaning, with a plurality of contents but only one absolute term. In this research of his he found answers in the world of video art, managing to show us in a unique way, with the universal language of images, the current sense of time. According to Einstein's theories, space and time are two faces of the same entity, every physical object in the universe, even ourselves, has its own time. The concept of "before", "after" and "contemporaneity" fall. The time of each object can be defined as a closed circle, a loop, and the only thing that remains possible is to describe how the times of each entity intersect when they meet The Infinity project investigates this path, and tries to use visual art, video art in particular, to show us, as only art and artists can do, what our eyes cannot see. In this study that touches upon leisure social moments, such as summer and weekends, or winter breaks, the key factor weather that makes such moments “holidays” is eliminated. Actions no longer have a beginning and an end, the subjects live in an infinite and indefinite time loop. Our lives are made up of movements and actions, sometimes imperceptible and sometimes striking, and our time is filled with these actions." (Jacopo Di Cera)
Feniglia (Argentario), Italy 2022
Last update on 16-03-2023
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