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"Connect" (2021) by Erik Ferguson

What better to way to help celebrate our MoCDA week of love than to really go under the skin with this stunning piece by CG artist Erik Ferguson. Dubbed Connect, this hypnotic wonder explores the forming of human bonds in a very organically poetic way. The Norwegian/Scottish artist’s work often walks that fine line between the emotional and the grotesque, the former being perfectly encapsulated by this piece. The romantic concept of a binding of souls usually becomes more spiritual than physical and what I love about this work is that here both are expertly combined. It always amazes how digital artists like Erik can push the boundaries with their lifelike creations and are able to tell something instantly profound in 30 seconds or less.

It feels like a very hopeful piece; even in our fragmented and divided world, the possibility of a connection that goes more than skin deep might still be in our grasp. A black and white version of this work also exists, although I personally prefer the neon-like quality of the light in the colorized version. I do urge you all to check out both and make up your own mind on which you prefer. His other works, often channeling an ‘Akira’ like sense of body horror, are worth exploring as well, often veering between the unsettling and the fascinating. And let me close on my expression of hope that beyond the hallmark holiday cheer or dread that valentine can represent, you all have or will find a similar profound closeness, if of course, you so desire.

"Connect" by Erik Ferguson


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