“Siri once shared with me one of her random wisdoms ‘Humans have religion. I only have silicium.’ The world we live in is absurd. All the while artists are expected to be grounded, intellectual, consistent beings. I’m interested in the banality and silliness that surrounds us as a side-effect of an overly serious existence. Currently I am happily experimenting with different mediums. With Ukkkra I brought together a variety of techniques. VR sculpture, 3D-world making and hand drawn doodles. It’s an immersive world inspired by Google Street View, made of the same copy-paste soviet building from which I try to grasp the meaning of my own Russianness. It’s a collage of images originating (as far as I know) from the war in Ukraine, twisted with my own cultural influences. An uncanny reality where kids tv characters, techno-gopniks and mutilated bodies co-exist in the same street. You wander through my need for explanation, empathy and disgust.”
Last update on 20-12-2022
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