Computer Goggles, Untitled Composition 1
Three rectangles - cyan, magenta and yellow - inhabit the black canvas of Computer Goggles, Untitled Composition 1. Shapes overlap or fit within another. But what governs this geometry and is it the result of the aesthetic quest of the artist? The computeresque colour codes seem to indicate otherwise. Computer Goggles is, in fact, a photo app that captures the world as algorithms see it. It translates images of identified objects into a flat, multi-coloured structure. It is the skeleton of a picture based on a machine’s object identification database and a way to explore non-human compositions.
Last update on 20-12-2022
Other Artworks
Digital Bodies is an online group show curated by Stina Gustafsson, Chloe Diamond, Serena Tabacchi and Marie Chatel featuring works by Cao Fei, Damjanksi, Frenetik Void, Hackatao, Hu Weiyi, Joanne Hastie, Lin Tianmiao, Maurice Benayoun, Miao Xiaochun, Skygolpe, The Fabricant, Travis LeRoy Southworth, and Twistedsister.
Digital Bodies

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